A survey of the Greek Legislation
MAY 1995


The question of the foreign investments in a developing economy is a very interesting one in the circles of economists, sociologists and lawyers. This is because there is a great influence of the foreign investments in the economic and social life of the host country.
Depending on the point of view, the foreign investments can be regarded either as panacea (the medicine that cures all illnesses) or as catastrophe. What we know for sure is that regardless their possible negative consequences in the various sectors of the economy, in politics and in social life, the foreign investments, especially those of high technological level, are absolutely necessary for the economic development.
We should see under this perspective the effort of the Greek legislation to attract foreign investments. This effort begins in 1952 with the provision of art.112 of the 1952 Constitution. According to this provision a legislative decree will be issued once and will regulate the investment and protection of foreign capital in Greece. This decree no.2687 was issued in 1953 and retains its validity till today after the provision or art.107 of the Constitution of 1975. According to this article, LD 2687/53 "retains its former validity further strengthened applicable also to capital imported hence forth".
We must nevertheless point out that the philosophy and structure of LD 2687/53 is similar to the investments codes that apply in developing countries such as: Protection of the foreign investment and property, lower taxes and even exemption from duties and dues of any kind, freedom of the capital movement, clauses of arbitration for resolving the possible disputes between investor and the State, bookkeeping in foreign currency, employment of foreigners etc.
In general we could say that the tax exemptions granted to the foreign investments in Greece were not in scale that could name Greece as "tax heaven". The problem was not the legislation itself but the implementation and materialization of the various provisions.
The Greek Courts were rather unfriendly to the foreign investors.
It is not very common to have a constitutional provision regulating the protection of foreign investments. Article 112 of the 1952 constitution is probably a unique case. This practice was condemned as subordination to foreigners. Its reasoning is found in the begining of the century when the Greek State in order to attract foreign investments was signing special agreements that were ratified by law. That was because the State wanted to reinsure the investrors that the agreements were valid and respected.
Nevertheless after the Balcan Wars when Greece needed desparately foreign currency, Laws 987/1915 and 1414/1917 were issued and modified the relative laws and agreements the Greek State had signed with foreign investors imposing new taxes.
The Supreme Court-Cour de Cassation in the begining ruled that this new laws were not lawfull and the terms of the agreements could not be altered. After a sort time the Supreme Court change its view and ruled that the legislator has the Imperium to legislate. THE CONSTITUTION OF 1952 ART.112 The Greek State due to the above practices concerning the foreign investments had lost all its credibility internationaly. There were no more foreign investments in Greece after that or there were very few. After the second world war and the civil war, Greece was in ruins and it needed foreign capital for its development.
In order to find its lost credibility there was only one way. To include in the new Constitution a provision for the protection of foreign investment and capital. This provision was included in article 112 of 1952 Constitution which povided that a special law regulating the protection of foreign capital would be issued. LEGISLATIVE DECREE 2687/1953 Legislative decree 2687/1953 was issued in the execution of art.112 and was harmonized with the contemporary principles of State intervention for the assistance and acceleration of the economic development. It undoubtedly helped the economic development of Greece.
Par.1 of art.3 provided that for the approval of the request for the investment of foreign capital in Greece an administrative decree should be issued. Par.2 provided that the terms of the investment are approved depending on the importance of the investment by decree or common Ministerial Act, that is published in the official Gazette. With par.3 the approval is regarded as revocable and is reaffirmed that this is under the guarantee of the Greek State to the investor. Change of the terms is permitted under the investors consent. Art.4 provided that the terms are indicative and there is wide discretion to change the with under mutual consent.
According art.8 tax facilities may be granted to manufacturing and mining enterprises primarily enagaged in export activities and also to enterprises for the first time established in Greece, through their activities of which, substantial amounts of foreigh exchanges are annually saved.
Shipping companies were included in the special tax exemptions regime, if they register under the Greek flag vessels over 1.500 tons.
The tax facilities may stoped in the case the enterprises cease to fulfill the above conditions and requirements.
Exporting enterprises are regarded those which are exporting more than 50% of their production. These tax facilities are:
The tax rate may be lower than the tax rate currently in effect.
It is possible lowering of or exemption from custom duties or charges of imports of machinery etc., for a period not exceeding 10 years.
Lowering of or exemption from customs duties, levies, or any other taxes and charges imposed on imports of machinery, accessories, spare parts and tools by the government or port authorities for a period not exceeding 10 years.
Lowering of or exemption from any charges and dues of any kind in connection with registering mortgage or creating a pledge as security for imported capital or contract relating thereto.
The above tax facilities shall be extended to similar enterprises now existing or to be established or originally instituted.
No export restrictions or taxes , unless in case that reason of national security obey this.
The retroactive imposition of taxes shall be prohibited on enterprises established in accordance with Legislative Decree 2687/1953.
Article 10 established the principal of equal treatment of the enterprises their competitiveness and awarding of new beneficiary terms.
Article 12 provided the resolution of disputes by arbitration.
Art.13 provided that vessels more than 1.500 tons registered under the Greek flag are deemed foreign capital.
LD 2687/53 was quite general and did not regulate all possible cases. For that reason another legislative decree was issued, LD 2928/1954 which among others regulated foreign investments in ships.
LD 4526/1962 that was issued eight years later regulated the export and repatriation of foreign capital invested in Greece as well as loans.
The basic characteristic of this decree was that the Government had absolute power and discretion to bargain and accept the investment of foreign capital in Greece. In this case there was an obligation not to change unilaterally the terms of the agreement.
The new Constitution of 1975 was issued after the seven year long military regime. During this period laws 89/1967 and 378/1968 were issued regulating the establishment in Greece of foreign Commercial and Industrial Companies.
Par.1 of art.107 made a distinction between laws which were issued before 21-4-1967 when the military regime was established and laws that were passed during the seven year period. It regarded as valid all laws before 21-4-1967.
Art.107 par.2 provided that a new law will revise LD 2687/53 and specify the validity of the other regulations.
There was a grate distrust to the legislation of the military regime and to the investments of the same period.
Law 141/1975 was issued and regulated the reevaluation of the foreign investments which were approved during the military regime.
The approvals of foreign investments could be revoked if were unconstitutional, against public interest, bona mores, and damaging the national economy.


Law 89/1967 for the establishment in Greece of foreign Commercial and Industrial Companies was the most important and wellknown regulation during this era.
It coincided with the Arab-Israeli War of 1967 and the influx in Greece of Libanese Companies.
This law was amended and supplemented by law 378/1968. Article 1 of law 89/1967 regulated the establishment of foreign commercial and industrial companies of any type or form dealing exclusively with commercial business whose object lies outside Greece.
Article 2 referres to the facilities which these companies were entitled concerning customs duties, taxation and other matters. It also provided for the employment of foreign personnel of any kind by the said companies.
The aforesaid companies were exempt from income tax, as well as any other tax, charge or contribution in favour of the State or any third party, existing or imposed in the future, on income derived from activities whose objects lie outside the Greek territory.
LEGISLATION AFTER THE ACCESSION OF GREECE TO THE EEC. After its accession to the EEC Greece should comply to art.67 of the Rome Treaty.
This article provided for the free movement of capital in the EEC.
With the issue of Presidential decree 170/1986 which regulates the capital movement between Greece and the other member States of the European Economic Community, now European Union and the Decision of the Governor of the Bank of Greece no.825/1986 which regulates direct investments in Greece of residents of non member States of the European Community, LD 2687/53 has primarily theoretical value.
Presidential decree 170/1986 which was substituted by PD 207/87, liberalised the movement of capital between Greece and the other member States of the EEC, according to the provisions of art.67 of the Rome Treaty. Governors Act 825/86 gave the same privileges to direct investments in Greece of residents of non member States of EEC.
Private investments in Greece are regulated by law 1262/1982 supplemented by laws 1360/1983, 1479/1984, 1563/1985, 1682/1987.
Law 4171/1982 with laws 89/1967 and 378/1968, mentioned above, regulate the establishment of foreign companies in Greece. The European Union is financing numerous development programs and gives subsidies for the investments in various sectors of the economy. It is very well known the Delor package for the coherence of European Union.

The problem in Greece was not the efficient legislation regulating the foreign investments and the incentives for the attraction of foreign capital that could help the economic development, but the modern and efficient public administration which most of the times acted as repellent force creating problems to the foreign investors. We should not forget the Greek Courts that were unfriendly to the foreigners.
What is very conforting is the positive influence of the European Organizations such as the European Commission and the European Court of Justice on Greek public administration and on Greek economy in general.
MAY 1995

1) MAVRIAS K.: Le regime juridique des investissements etrangers en Grece, Paris, Pedone 1975, pp.146-150.
2) OBESSI Ph.: Aspects juridiques du developpement economique en Grece : Investissements etrangers et investissements locaux, Strasbourg 1986, pp.382-410.
3) LAMBADARIOS C.: "Protection accordee par le decret - loi 2687/1953 aux investissements a longue echeance de capitaux venant de l'etranger", R.H.D.I. 1954.
4) EVRIGENIS D., NESTOR S., IOANNOY K.: "Some aspects of the legal protection of foreign investments in Greece", R.H.D.I. 1963.
5) OBESSI Ph.: Commentaire d'un texte de la legislation hellenique concernant les investissements etrangers a long terme, Strasbourg 1983.
6) H.KEFALAS: Protection of foreign investments in Greece 1981.